He’d reform his Executive Board, which as it now stands is an echo chamber populated by Sulzberger family, NYTimes Corp. employees, and finance & tech people.
The Board’s composition wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that the Times is so abysmally negligent about existential issues of land use in NYC, would it?
I googled “FAR cap + New York Times,” and what I found was a propagandistic piece last fall by Times Editorial Board member Mara Gray, where she buys into the lies and sham being advocated in the name of “building affordable housing.”
Gray makes absolutely no distinction between what increaesed density meansĀ in a monstrously over built Manhattan, and what it means to exurban areas, which is something entirely different, and to outer NYC boroughs, which is something somewhat different. This is deceptive as well as thoughtless reductiveness by Gray, and this is about as good as it gets on land-use issues in the Times.