Mayor Adams wants to destroy the 1907 landmarked Tony Dapalito Recreation Center on Seventh Ave. South and Carmine Street. Obviously a developer friend/funder of the Mayor wants to put up a condo tower there.
After being closed for four years during which its structural problems could somehow not be fixed, Adams is reaching into the DeBlasio playbook. The ex-mayor demolished the landmarked houses on Eighth Avenue and 14th St. by claiming irreperable structural problems; the Landmarks “Preservation” Commission was in on the scam, holding in its possession a report that showed the structural issues were solveable.
And so now Adams is insisting that the recreation center–which offers membership at far lower prices than private gyms–cannot be fixed (no will, no way, right?) and announcing peremptorily that the designated lndmark must be torn down.
Community Board 2 is holding a public hearing on Thursday at 6:30 p.m.–go to Village and register to speak.