Rather they are followers and rear-guard societal parasites. That’s been proven by the shocking capitulation to Trump by the tech moguls. The richest men in the world are perfectly OK with selling out this country and supporting Trump’s extinction agenda if it means that in the short term they’re able to enrich themselves even further. Their insatiability drives them to demand that the great mass of Americans be stripped bare so as to relieve these economic colossi from the obligation of paying taxes. In their minds, our nation and society exist only to serve them.
Granted that cultural appreciation takes a back seat to the preservation of democracy, country, and the human species, but it’s also appalling the degree to which culture seems to mean absolutely nothing to these men.
The corporate media tries to sell them to us as possessors of great vision. Their vision is as cramped and blinkered as it’s possible to imagine.
If I’m generalizing, it’s not by very much.