The “market” is constantly subject to intervention by the government, primarily to benefit the people inhabiting the very top echelons. 

As Jamison Foser writes on his Substack, “‘free market’ advocate Jeff Bezos is an extraordinarily rich man in part because Amazon and its subsidiaries  have enjoyed more than $1 billion in state and local government subsidies. “

Foser makes clear that Bezos is now significantly influencing not only the editorial pages but the division.

“Bezos’s increasingly right-wing agenda cannot have gone unnoticed by the people whose paychecks he signs, and though journalists have long insisted that cannot possibly have any effect, conscious or subconscious, on the way reporters and editors do their jobs, pretty much everything we know about human behavior tells us it does.”

I did renew my digital subscription to the Post because I just had to read their articles on Trump’s takeover of the Kennedy Center. But as Bezos continues to degrade the paper, I’m really concerned that he will make it insupportable.

“It’s all downhill from here,” Foser writes, “for at least as long as Bezos owns the paper.”

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