on Trump’s face as Rep. Green was ejected made clear that MAGA has lost any discernment of human nature as it is expressed on the faces of humans. How could anyone warm to that facial facade?  Only a sector that is so filled with hatred for America that it finds vicarious identification in Trump’s contempt.

Green standing up to Trump’s vicious lies about “a mandate” was the best thing that the Democrats did last night, and, predictably, the boobish Democratic leadership got miffed at it. Schumer and Jeffries are still being advised by the superannuated operatives who engineered their two defeats against Trump.  

Rep. Frost said it to Rachel Maddow: we are witnessing a coup and he was not going to normalize it, explaining why he chose to walk out. What Democratic leadership, on the other hand, seems to want to do is turn the party into co-dependents.

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